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How to turn on the dishwasher at home for the first time

first run of the dishwasherThe long-awaited purchase of a dishwasher from Bosch or another company, for many, is not an ordinary event, but very much expected. Especially among those housewives who have a large family, where a lot of food accumulates. However, bachelors also rejoice at this household appliance, as a salvation from a hated occupation - washing plates.

Then the day came when the dishwasher was brought in, the masters from the service center plugged it in, then the front door closed behind them, and you were left alone with the dishwasher, who seemed to whisper that soon you could forget about the painful washing by hand, then press start. But what to do next? How to properly start the dishwasher for the first time at home?

There are no special secrets, you just need to adhere to the operating rules described in the instructions for the household appliance, and also follow a number of unwritten rules, which we will talk about a little later.

First use of the dishwasher

first inclusionBefore the first start-up of any household appliance, be it Bosch or Siemens, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instruction manual, where the manufacturer prescribes recommendations and instructions for this case.

As a rule, the mechanics of actions before the first turn on and start is as follows:

  • make sure that the machine does not have any damage after transportation or third-party items, for example, foam sealing spacers or stickers inside;
  • you can not put dishes during the first run, it should be carried out at idle;
  • pour ionic salt, it is also a water softener, into a special compartment or make sure that it is there from the factory;
  • set the temperature to medium, then a washing program of medium duration.

See also - Dishwasher salt: where to put it and why

Such simple steps will allow you to start up the dishwasher and prepare it for further productive use.

Many are perplexed why it is impossible to immediately put dishes in the dishwasher and press the start button, so as not to drive the mechanism for nothing. Everything is simple here, the first washing cycle is carried out in order to wash out technical lubricants and other unnecessary substances that remained in the tank after assembly at the factory. Their hit on the kitchen utensils certainly will not bring anything good, so it’s better not to skimp, having done everything according to the rules before the first launch.

Loading the dishes correctly

loading dishesLoading a dishwasher seems like an easy task, right? Just place the dishes, add detergent, start and you're done. However, if this is so, then why are we all often forced to re-wash the dishes, because they were not completely cleaned?

Here's how to load the dishwasher correctly to turn it on with maximum efficiency and maximum cleaning power:

  • remember that you should always start loading the dishwasher from the bottom;
  • place lighter, more fragile objects, various corks on top, put lids in a special compartment for spoons;
  • if there is a need to wash something overall, you can remove one of the stands;
  • there should always be large kitchen appliances below;
  • be sure to leave gaps between the dishes in the sink so that a jet of water can wash them;
  • be sure to clean the plates of large food debris, otherwise they will clog the filter very quickly.

See also - How to arrange the dishes in the dishwasher correctly

Selecting a washing program

program selectionProper start of the dishwasher requires the correct selection of the program for washing dishes.

Of course, each manufacturer in their models may call these programs differently, as well as change their number. But, as a rule, the standard set of basic programs for all dishwashers is similar.

See also - How long does the dishwasher wash

Pre-wash or soak function

This mode is used when the dishes to be washed are very dirty. Such a definition includes pans with burnt food, or very fat cauldrons, as well as other kitchen appliances that are difficult to wash.

High intensity washing program

This mode offers the possibility to wash even very dirty cutlery without presoaking. It works at high temperatures, so if you don't have heat-resistant cookware, treat it with care.

Standard program

Standard washing is the most common and frequently used mode among household dishwashers, as it allows you to wash the dishes at the optimal cost of energy and water, guaranteeing a good result.

Economical washing

This mode consumes very little light and water, as it is not difficult to guess from the name, but it should be used only for very slightly soiled kitchen utensils, otherwise the result may be upset.

Delicate program

This mode is used for washing thin and fragile services.

Quick wash

Allows you to quickly wash the dinner service without drying it out. When washing heavily soiled dishes, the result may not please.

Summing up a small summary, we note that the first start-up of the dishwasher is very important for the further fruitful and long-term operation of the dishwasher, so that it lasts a long time, delighting the owners with clean plates and pans.

See also - How and what to replace dishwasher tablets

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One thought on “How to turn on the dishwasher for the first time at home”

  1. Carnation Anya:

    Sweet girl Anastasia tells in detail and intelligibly how to handle the dishwasher. In general, everything is clear. I would like to make a few comments.She repeats the word many times; dishwasher, ”but she says it indistinctly, somehow“ chews ”it, especially at the very beginning. And the second one. Words: "stuck together" do not exist in Russian. And there is the word "stuck together." Please take this into account.

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